33. Globetrotting diplomat

The flight is over, but Yuri faces new challenges. It took a little while for the Soviets to realise what a propaganda coup they had pulled off. Once premier Nikita Kruschov takes matters in hand though, the stops are really pulled out, and Yuri gets a hero’s reception.
global superstar, Gagarin with Kruschev
Once again, these pages are telling two stories side by side. One is the outward image of fighter escorts, jubilant crowds and official acclamation, the other, once again, is about Yuri’s inner thoughts as, with his usual resilience, he deals with whatever life has to throw at him, including a loose shoelace at one of his most critical moments in the spotlight of history!

By this time, I felt as if I could draw a Mig15 in my sleep, but on this occasion there were no nightmares about nose-numbers as they are clearly shown in a press photograph of the time. As is the elegant Ilyushin airliner that was to become Yuri’s ‘second home’ in the years of diplomatic globetrotting that were to follow.

Creating the crowds in the streets of Moscow was an interesting challenge. I used old photos of May Day street parades as reference. One of the many texture tools in Manga StudioEX (™) was used to create the overall ‘impression’ of the crowds in the street as seen from the air, with some toning. Dark and light dots then gave an impression of seething multitudes, while the waving banners helped to create a feeling of movement.

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