Creative Review, flagship magazine of the graphic designer show an exciting glimpse of what to expect at the current exhibition at the Science Museum, London. More on this interview with curators Doug Millard and Natalia Sidlina about the show… Continue reading
OK, it is over half a century since Russia launched man into space. Britain is now finally to have its own first official astronaut. Major Tim Peake, 41, was selected to fly on a five-month mission on the ISS, in … Continue reading
This poster, featuring a line-up of cosmonauts, celebrates the continued Soviet participation in manned space flight. The rockets are shown in clearer detail. However, they resemble a more ‘Dan Dare’ style with engines on the side than the classic R-7 … Continue reading
The Soviets took and early lead in the Space Race with Sputnik, the first man made satellite and Laika the first dog in space, albeit one-way. Several launches were made with dogs, to pave the way for human spaceflight and … Continue reading
Thinking of how you might make a grand entrance at this years #YurisNight party? Could go for the Ivan Ivanisovich fall from above. Yuri and his fellow cosmonauts took to dropping down elevator shafts onto cushions in an attempt to … Continue reading