Tag Archives: Russian culture

Yuri’s Day – is everything in the book true?

At the beginning of Yuri’s Day we wrote “Everything in this book is true.” That is a bold claim, and not a popular one to make in these post-modern times. Historians are only too aware that nobody has the complete … Continue reading

Posted in The Book, The Space Race, YURI's DAY, Yuri's life | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Russian Names in Yuri’s book

Russians seem to love playing with names, almost as if they were a piece of music to improvise on. This can be confusing to outsiders. In fact, as the first version of this post proved, they can be confusing to this outsider! Thankfully, some kind commenters have offered helpful corrections. A big thanks to ‘Olga’, ‘Igorius’, ‘Eraser’, ‘Viacheslav’ and others whose comments you can see below. Continue reading